Internshala Trainings certificate
100,000+ companies use Internshala for hiring every year. So a certificate from Internshala is recognized everywhere.
NSDC & Skill India certificate
Also, receive a certificate from NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation) and Skill India
Land your dream job
Master the art of internship & job hunt, making a great application, and impressing the recruiters.
Stand out from the crowd
With so much competition around, it's easy to get lost in the pile of resumes. Learn what it takes to stand out from the crowd!
Conquer interviews with confidence
Know what it takes to ace internship & job interviews and build the confidence that companies look for!
Free Placement Prep Training
Learn how to build your resume, make great applications, and ace your interviews.
Curated internships & jobs
Get internships and fresher jobs as per your preference in your inbox.
Get highlighted on Internshala
Top performers will be highlighted in their internship & job applications on Internshala.
How will your training work?
After completing the training, you can also download videos for future reference
Think about all the sections in the resume relevant to your stream of study and make your resume from scratch
Write down answers to the most commonly asked HR questions
Pick a role of your choice at Internshala and prepare yourself for the entire placement process
Why learn with Internshala Trainings?