Array in C Programming Language: Advantages, How to Declare, Initialize and More?
Did you know that C ranks second among the most widely used programming languages worldwide? It is already established as a shining star in the popularity index and continues to make great strides every year. The flexibility of data storage is one of the primary factors influencing the popularity and widespread use of the C programming language.
The array in C programming language is one type of data storage that stands as the most popular data structure in C programming. It is an easy and quick way to group similar values and store them under one name. In this blog, we will learn about arrays in programming, how to declare and initialize them, and the benefits of using arrays in C.
What is Array in C Programming?
The array is defined as a way to put together several elements of a similar type. These elements or entities can be of various data types, such as int, char, float, and double. The data types can also be user-defined, such as structures in C. However, all these elements must be of the same data type to be stored collectively inside an array. The elements in an array are kept from left to right, with the 0th index on the left and the (n-1)th index on the right end.
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Types of an Array in C Programming
The following are the two major types of arrays in C:
- Single-Dimensional Arrays: These are also known as 1-D arrays. This kind of array contains elements with similar types. Its indices can be directly used to access these elements.
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays: The most common type is a 2-D array. It stores homogeneous data in a tabular format. The row-major order is most often used to store data in these kinds of arrays.
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How to Declare and Initialize an Array in C Language
A variable stored inside an array can be declared in various ways. You can specify an array with any type of data, such as int, char, float, double, etc. It can be declared and initialized in various ways listed below.
1. Declaring an Array by Specifying a Size
Declaring an array involves stating its size or the number of elements stored in it. The size of an array specifies the maximum number of entities it can hold. In the most recent and updated version of C, you can declare an array either by providing the size at the declaration time or simply by providing a user-specified size.
An array can be declared using the following syntax by specifying its size.
// declare an array by specifying size in [].
int Demo_array1[20];
char Demo_array2[5];
// declare an array by specifying a user-defined size.
int size = 20;
int Demo_array3[size];
It is important to know that a garbage value is stored in an array when declared but has no values assigned to it. Like any uninitialized variable, any uninitialized array value will return a garbage value if you try to access it.
2. Declaring an Array by Initializing Elements
When an array is first declared, it can be initialized as well. The compiler in C will allocate an array with the same size as the number of elements when you use this method of array declaration.
To simultaneously declare and initialize an array in C, use the following syntax.
// initialize an array at the time of declaration.
int Demo_array[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500};
The array size in the above syntax has not been specified, but the compiler in C will allocate an array size of 5 integer elements. This happens because the above syntax creates an array containing 5 elements inside it.
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3. Declaring an Array by Specifying a Size and Initializing Elements
Another way to create an array is to declare it, specify its size, and assign its elements. While comparing two methods of array creation, this method is a little different. In this case, the compiler will automatically initialize the remaining elements of this array to 0 if the number of initialized elements is less than the specified size of this array. To learn more about arrays, you can also opt for an in-depth C and C++ course.
To understand this, refer to the below array syntax in C.
// declare an array by specifying size and
// initializing at the time of declaration
int Demo_array1[5] = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000}; // Demo_array1 = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000}
int Demo_array2[5] = {1000, 2000, 3000}; // Demo_array2 = {1000, 2000, 3000, 0, 0}
Demo_array1 is a 5-element array with the size specified in the array syntax. Demo_array2 has 5 elements, but only 3 have been initialized. The Demo_array2 will have its final two elements as 0 set by the compiler.

4. Initializing an Array in C Programming by Using a Loop
A loop can also be used to begin an array. For accessing all array indices starting at 0, the loop iterates from position 0 to (size – 1).
The elements of the array are initialized using the ‘for loop’ in the following syntax. The most typical method of initializing an array is this one.
// declare an array.
int Demo_array[5];
// initialize array using a "for" loop.
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Demo_array[i] = 3 * i;
// Demo_array = {0, 3, 6, 9, 12}
An array of size 5 is declared first in the syntax shown above. The a for loop is then used to initialize the array, iterating through the elements from index 0 to (size – 1) with each iteration.
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Advantages of Array in C Programming Language
The C programming language heavily relies on arrays. They offer programmers several benefits when writing their codes. Some of them include:
- Arrays help optimize and clean up your code. They can store multiple elements at once without having to initialize them repeatedly.
- A single loop can iterate through every element in an array.
- Sorting is greatly simplified by arrays. A small amount of code can be used to sort elements.
- Any array element can be accessed in O(1) time in either direction, from the front or the back.
- In an array, elements can be added or removed with linear complexity.
Array in C programming language is a great way to store multiple elements at once. It can be declared and initialized in various ways for better optimization. It simplifies repetitive tasks and provides flexibility in storing and manipulating data. You also get the benefit of adding or removing elements with linear complexity in an array. You can also learn about arrays in Python to store and process your data more effectively.
A pointer in C is a variable that has the address of another variable stored in it, whereas an array is a collection of objects of the same data type. While the pointers are allocated at runtime, the arrays are allocated at compile time.
Arrays are called pointers because array names are converted to pointers. The pointer contains the address of the first element of the array. We can use this pointer to access the elements of the array.